

Open doors to exciting careers in areas from archaeology to genetic counseling. In UNC’s 人类学 bachelor’s degree program, you’ll explore diverse cultures 和 examine how, when 和 where human life arose. At the same time, you’ll gain critical thinking skills that will be an asset in every area of your career 和 life.

Rooted in the Past, Solving 今天’s Problems

Courses blend h和s-on laboratories, original Research in the community 和 field 经验为你选择的任何方向提供了很好的准备 你的人类学Research. Studying in small classes, you’ll also be mentored by professors 他们既是富有爱心的教育者,又是备受尊敬的Research人员和各自领域的专家 各自的领域. 


B.A. 在人类学

UNC’s 人类学 department offers an 人类学 major 和 two minors. 学生 can customize their academic programs through their elective course choices.



  • 考古: Exploring the behavior of ancient cultures.
  • 文化人类学:考虑现代文化,并试图理解跨文化差异 和相似之处.
  • 生物人类学: Delving into the ways humans have biologically adapted to their environment.
  • 语言人类学:学习语言的演变以及语言如何塑造我们的世界观.

学位课程是动手和积极的,带你超越课本学习和 into the world where you can put your knowledge to work. 一路走来,你会成功的 exciting discoveries 和 set a career path that is all your own.




An excellent complement to a major in the social sciences, humanities 和 many of 21学时的人类学辅修课程可以提高你的自然科学技能 anthropological inquiry 和 analyzing complex 问题 relating to human development. 您还将对现代文化关系的动态有更深入的了解.


Multicultural 人类学小

这门18学分的多元文化人类学辅修课程探讨了文化多样性 the United States 和 abroad, focusing on group dynamics in contemporary society. 这门辅修课程深入Research了少数民族的经历、社会阶层、性别和性取向 问题. Your program could include such diverse classes as The Black Family; Gender, Race, Class 和 Sexuality; 和 Mexican American Politics 和 领导.



The Tools of Discovery at Your Fingertips

就读像皇冠app官方版下载这样的知名Research型大学的优势之一是 你有机会与你所在学科的领导者在开创性方面进行合作 Research.

你也可以接触到令人难以置信的资源:我们的生物、人类学、考古学 考古地球物理实验室收藏有珍贵的文物和人类骨骼 以及最先进的计算系统,支持ArcGIS, SPSS和 其他分析软件.

In addition, Associate Professor Andy Creekmore, Ph.D., recently received a National 获得了15.7万美元的科研经费 仪器——包括探地雷达等使能仪器 geophysical exploration of archaeological sites.


皇冠app官方版下载人类学项目的伟大之处在于它的教授,一个小团体 顶尖学者通过密切的互动、讲座、讨论和应用 Research,鼓励学生成为科学家和人文主义者——这是本质 我们的领域."

- Ryan Lambert, UNC 人类学 student

你的未来 在人类学

非常小心,以确保我们的人类学学生探索的职业生涯和 Research possibilities of the field 和 make choices that reflect their interests. 选择非常广泛,包括努力改进等途径 弱势群体的生活,挖掘古代文明,策划 in a museum 和 going on to graduate school.

Consider UNC's 人类学 B.A. 如果你是:

  • Curious about the world around you
  • Interested in travel 和 Research
  • Someone who loves to learn about other cultures


  • 批判性思维技能将培养你分析情况的能力 data
  • To gain insight into complex situations, diverse cultures 和 scientific phenomena


  • 世界考古
  • 法医人类学
  • Quantitative Methods for 人类学
  • 北美印第安人
  • 医学人类学
  • 公众考古学
  • 现代人类变异
  • 人类进化解剖学


人类学专业学生分享的实地经历是最迷人的 和 engaging available to students anywhere. 最近,学生们:

调查了Salud家庭健康诊所(该诊所致力于提供服务)的客户 for migrants, refugees 和 members of other vulnerable populations) in Greeley to 了解社区的需要是否得到满足,以及如何改善服务.

为了更好地了解城市是怎样的,他去了伊拉克,绘制了一座古城的地图 organized 和 shed light on the rise of urban civilization.

使用探地雷达和磁强计来定位无标记的坟墓并进行调查 a cemetery in Brighton, Colorado.

Designed lesson plans 和 activities on nutrition for children K-12 和 presented these lessons in Greeley, Colorado K-12 classrooms.

前往希腊和阿尔巴尼亚收集骨骼材料的数据,以便更好地了解 what happens during periods of major social transitions. 然后他们展示了他们的 findings at national scientific conferences.

As an 人类学 student you might intern at a Greeley museum, the Museo de las 美国丹佛,北科罗拉多艾滋病项目,维尔德县验尸官办公室, 在难民社区通过当地援助机构和几十个 of other locations throughout the Northern Colorado region 和 beyond.

Where can your degree take you?

当你拥有学士学位时,职业和Research生院的机会向你敞开 degree in 人类学 from UNC are many 和 varied. These are some of the many places our graduates may find employment:

  • 博物馆
  • Cultural Resource Management (CRM) firms
  • 顾问公司
  • State, federal or local government agencies
  • Non-governmental organization (NGOs)
  • 非营利组织
  • 公共卫生机构
  • Research生院
  • Coroner’s or medical examiner’s offices
  • 动物园
  • 和平队
  • Genetic counseling organizations

目前的Research in 人类学

Research 和 field study are at the heart of the UNC 人类学 program. 你会 师从优秀的课堂教育者和有天赋的学生导师 谁将与你并肩工作,Research发现令人兴奋的新信息 across the broad field of 人类学. The 根项目 is just one example of Research currently underway in the UNC 人类学 department:


迈克尔·金博尔博士.D. (Associate Professor of 人类学)

迈克尔·金博尔(Michael Kimball)的“根计划”(根项目)侧重于探索生活之间的共同点 最近移民或新移民到维尔德县和农业的经历 heritage of those who came earlier. From its earliest beginnings, this Research has 包括金博尔班上的人类学专业学生,提供了宝贵的实地经验 that will be an asset in graduate school 和 beyond.

“格里利的历史是一个非凡的移民故事,可以追溯到20多年前 两个世纪以来,包括来自欧洲和美洲的新来者,”迈克尔·金博尔说 说. "Recently, this story has been enriched with more newcomers – immigrants 和 refugees from Latin American countries like Mexico, Guatemala 和 El Salvador; African countries like Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya 和 Eritrea; 和 Southeast Asian countries like Thail和 和 Burma (Myanmar)."

金博尔的应用人类学课程的学生与格里利中心合作 西部高中的学生和他们的家庭来发现他们之间的联系 过去和格里利的历史. Through photos taken by the high school students during 参观百年纪念村博物馆,采访他们和他们的家人 about their experience, UNC students are learning anthropological perspectives 和 方法,建立跨文化桥梁,并帮助格里利市博物馆继续发展 to improve their outreach 和 programming.

新来者约50人, 老师, 协调员, translators 和 UNC students participated in the Centennial Village Museum tour. 皇冠app官方版下载的学生Research人员与当地难民社区的格里利高中学生合作,将于11月创建一个在线演示. Photos by Tracey Clay (BA-13)
新来者约50人, 老师, 协调员, translators 和 UNC students participated in the Centennial Village Museum tour. 皇冠app官方版下载的学生Research人员与当地难民社区的格里利高中学生合作,将于11月创建一个在线演示. Photos by Tracey Clay (BA-13)
新来者约50人, 老师, 协调员, translators 和 UNC students participated in the Centennial Village Museum tour. 皇冠app官方版下载的学生Research人员与当地难民社区的格里利高中学生合作,将于11月创建一个在线演示. Photos by Tracey Clay (BA-13)
新来者约50人, 老师, 协调员, translators 和 UNC students participated in the Centennial Village Museum tour. 皇冠app官方版下载的学生Research人员与当地难民社区的格里利高中学生合作,将于11月创建一个在线演示. Photos by Tracey Clay (BA-13)
新来者约50人, 老师, 协调员, translators 和 UNC students participated in the Centennial Village Museum tour. 皇冠app官方版下载的学生Research人员与当地难民社区的格里利高中学生合作,将于11月创建一个在线演示. Photos by Tracey Clay (BA-13)
新来者约50人, 老师, 协调员, translators 和 UNC students participated in the Centennial Village Museum tour. 皇冠app官方版下载的学生Research人员与当地难民社区的格里利高中学生合作,将于11月创建一个在线演示. Photos by Tracey Clay (BA-13)
新来者约50人, 老师, 协调员, translators 和 UNC students participated in the Centennial Village Museum tour. 皇冠app官方版下载的学生Research人员与当地难民社区的格里利高中学生合作,将于11月创建一个在线演示. Photos by Tracey Clay (BA-13)
新来者约50人, 老师, 协调员, translators 和 UNC students participated in the Centennial Village Museum tour. 皇冠app官方版下载的学生Research人员与当地难民社区的格里利高中学生合作,将于11月创建一个在线演示. Photos by Tracey Clay (BA-13)

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